Who Hijacked Our Country
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Who Hijacked Our Country
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- Location: Olympic Peninsula, Washington, United States
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Hurray for us!
Rockync: Yippeeeeeeeee.
I think getting Bush-Cheney and their administration out of office represents a victory for our country. Let's just hope the left can keep control of things for long enough to roll back some of the Bush abuses.
This is, indeed, a great country - but great in a different way now.
A majestic and awe inspiring sequence of events is it now?
Snave: A victory and a huge relief, getting those crooks out of office.
Bee: Yup, it's different now; different in a good way.
Ricardo: Majestic and awe inspiring indeed.
Snave said it for me. The public can be impatient and fickle. A recent poll indicated people realize Obama will need some time. I hope people will keep that thought as the going gets rougher, as I expect it will.
SW: That will probably be the favorite talking point of the Right -- playing on the public's fear and impatience. We'll be hearing lots of "well, what's Obama doing about ________________" (the economy, the deficit, health care, etc.) Hopefully most people will see through the rightwing blather and realize that it might take a long time to scrub out all the Bush stains.
Before a jubilant crowd of more than a million...
...estimated at 2500 by the DC police. ;-)
Here's hoping Obama's legacy will be better than his predecessor's.
Kvatch: 2,500 people, LOL. On the other hand, there were supposedly 25,000 people at the airport in Midland, TX, cheering Dumbya when he stepped off the plane. No way. I don't think there could be 25,000 people in the entire country who would cheer for that asshole.
Lew: I'm sure he'll have a better legacy than Dumbya, no matter what he does or doesn't do.
That speech was fabulous. I heard a local TV personality say he wasn't really moved by it. I should've written him, because I can't imagine someone, regardless of party affiliation, could listen to that and think it was bad, or unmoving.
Did you see all the shoes thrown on the White House lawn after Idiot left? Why can't anyone hit that guy?
Carlos: Yup, that speech was great. Healing, unifying -- a good way to put paid to 8 years of polarization and culture wars.
Enemy: After he's a few years older and his reflexes have slowed down, maybe somebody will manage to nail him.
Jenn of the Jungle (comment not published): Sorry, you have to have an IQ This High to comment on This Blog.
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