Who Hijacked Our Country

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

President Obama’s Enemies List

All right everybody, mind your Ps and Qs and watch what you say in public, or you too might end up on Obama’s Enemies List!


This dire warning comes from Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Duuhh). The good senator spelled it all out for that powergrabbing commie in the White House: “Don’t start an enemies list.”

He was referring of course to Richard Nixon, who created an enemies list, based on the Nixon paranoid mentality of “everybody is against us and we are going to get them.”

Alexander named several of Obama’s terrifying power grabs: boycotting Fox News, criticizing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and threatening to take away the health insurance industry’s exemption from federal anti-trust laws.

It brings to mind that stirring heartbreaking poem from Nazi Germany: “…when they stripped away the insurance industry’s anti-trust exemption, I said nothing…and then when they came for me…”

Are you frightened yet? The Gestapo could be knocking at your door any minute now! Or would that be the KGB? Since Obama is a Communist, a Fascist AND a Muslim terrorist (we got us a threefer!), that dreaded midnight knock at the door could be the Gestapo, the KGB or the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Any way you look at it, we’re all doomed!

Barack Obama’s Enemies List [sigh] Let’s see, on the one hand, a president argues with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and tries to apply already-existing anti-trust laws to a ruthless corporate behemoth that’s threatening to take down the whole country. And on the other hand, a president who recruited the CIA and FBI to spy on campus protesters and tried to get the IRS to audit his political opponents.

Yup, same thing.

Hey, I just thought of something. I don’t need to use comment moderation any more. Now that my Master is watching over all of us — if you leave a negative comment, I’ll simply e-mail it to the White House, and you’ll be hauled away to one of Obama’s infamous re-education camps before you know it.


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Blogger Demeur said...

"They risk loosing bipartisan support"? When did this admin ever have that support?

Let's have a score card. The wingnuts have pissed off hispanics (Sotomayor), Jews (Demint), blacks (Obama the racist). Geez who's left that they haven't ticked off?

October 21, 2009 at 1:40 PM  
Anonymous S.W. Anderson said...

Tom wrote: "Alexander named several of Obama’s terrifying power grabs: boycotting Fox News . . ."

Ah, I know he's lying: he's a Republican and his lips were moving.

In fact, Obama's people last weekend made it clear they will go on Faux News and will engage. They just will do so knowing on the way in that Faux is an operating extension of the Republican Party and exists to advance GOP/radical-right propaganda.

That's a long, long way from saying they will boycott Faux News. But it's about what't to be expected.

October 21, 2009 at 2:20 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

He doesn't need an enemies list when he has the media going after those who disagree with him.
For example Tea Party Americans,Joe the Plumber,Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh,Fox News(well okay that's him). I think Jay Taffer will be next,I'm just saying.
I guess you missed the one where he had a meting yesterday with Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman.You know just to tell them to keep up the good work. That was to their faces but to himself I bet he is saying "Suckas""

October 21, 2009 at 2:25 PM  
Blogger Robert Rouse said...

I've decided to simply refer to Fox News with a single one word term for the whole organization. First I'll take the word Faux and remove the A. That should describe that "news" organization properly.

Lamar "I only wear flannel shirts during my campaigns" Alexander is an idiot. I should know, I've seen him on FUX.

October 21, 2009 at 2:39 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Demeur: Bipartisan support, riiight. When I read that quote from Alexander, "we want to work with you" -- let's just say it was a good thing I was eating or drinking anything or it would've gotten splattered all over the keyboard.

I'm sure they'll find a way to piss off the young, the elderly, soccer moms...

SW: I wasn't sure what he meant by "boycotting" Fox News, but your information makes more sense. As far as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce goes, they recently admitted that they had grossly overstated their membership, and hence their political clout. Under their "revised" (i.e. honest) method of counting, they have less than half the membership they were previously claiming.

Lisa: The media doesn't have to "go after" Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or the teabaggers. All they have to do is report on them and quote them. Every time they open their mouths they're basically saying "Look at me, I'm a douchebag."

October 21, 2009 at 2:44 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Robert: Hi, long time no see. That flannel shirt was about the only thing I remember about Alexander, when he was running for president.

FUX News, a much more fitting name.

October 21, 2009 at 2:47 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Many of the tea baggers are actual teachers and school board members so they know their way around a little more than you think.
One that is in charge of a group by me was actually dragged by her mother,a former member of the weather underground, to many liberal protests.
She was totally turned off by their stupidity and ignorance. That turned her into a conservative.

October 21, 2009 at 3:11 PM  
Anonymous Bee said...

Tom: I have one word to describe Alexander's projection of his own inadequacies: PROJECTION PROJECTION PROJECTION.

Tom's Right-Wing Stalker: No one needs to "go after" the teabaggers, they do a fine job all by themselves making themselves look like utter buffoons.

October 21, 2009 at 4:30 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Yep Faux news because they don't tow the liberal line.
Or just jealous of it's popularity ?

October 21, 2009 at 4:47 PM  
Blogger Lew Scannon said...

Funny, I don't remember Alexander making a stink when Bush declared "You're either for us, or you're against us", thereby classifying every decent American who opposed his wars based on lies and many other crimes as his enemy.

October 21, 2009 at 6:00 PM  
Blogger Holte Ender said...

Alexander must be planning another run for the White House, he has taken a good look around him at the potential candidates and thought "I'm just as big a dippo as those guys, I can win this time, I should get my name out there by saying stupid things."


October 21, 2009 at 7:29 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Lisa: Teachers? That's ironic, since teachers (especially those commie teachers' unions) are a favorite target of the Right. The whole concept of public education is un-American anyway. Children should either be sent to private schools, or home-schooled so they can learn about God and family values.

Bee: Yup, projection is exactly what it is.

Lew: But remember, everything changed 180 degrees when Obama took over. As of January 20, 2009, it's now patriotic to hate the president, and any time the president starts to raise his voice a little, he's Hitler.

Holte: Alexander has some stiff competition. As dumb as he is, Palin and Gingrich and Bachmann can outdumb him 7 days a week.

October 21, 2009 at 8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was looking at the Nixon Enemies list: Labor, Liberals, Blacks and Jews.

Groups you still don't see in the Republican circles, despite their "outreaching"


October 21, 2009 at 9:40 PM  
Anonymous Carlos said...

She was totally turned off by their stupidity and ignorance. That turned her into a conservative.

LOL. Holy sheep shit! If that ain't a big fuckin' hoot.

October 22, 2009 at 2:04 AM  
Anonymous Carlos said...

Hey...I thought you were turnin' off blog moderation. Guess you really are afeared of gettin' on that Enemie List ;-)

You don't have to post this...Just jerkin' yer chain.

October 22, 2009 at 2:06 AM  
Blogger Randal Graves said...

Tom, I need your help. What do you think is the most effective thing I can do to end up on Hussein X's Enemies List? I don't think a smarmy yet evidently patriotic blog comment is going to cut it.

October 22, 2009 at 7:30 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Lisa: Teachers? That's ironic, since teachers (especially those commie teachers' unions) are a favorite target of the Right. The whole concept of public education is un-American anyway

I know it is ironic isn't it Tom. There are more people against what is going on than you think or what you would like to believe.
Especially when they don't want this president's agenda in their classrooms.

October 22, 2009 at 8:51 AM  
Blogger Robert Rouse said...

Lisa, what is this agenda you refer to? You say teachers don't want his agenda in their classrooms. I hope you're still not upset over him telling kids to stay in school and study hard. I realize that kind of message can be really tough on slackers. As for his other agenda. I want to publicly apologize for him thinking everyone deserves health care. How ridiculous can we get? Just because someone's left without a job because their job went overseas or belly up because of corporate greed and then he lost his house because he could no longer afford the mortgage and now he is living in a car with his family, doesn't mean he deserves medical care. He's obviously a bum for letting his company leave.

I hope you accept my apology on behalf of all of us who understand and sympathize with your delusion. What we cannot do, I'm afraid, is empathize.

October 22, 2009 at 2:22 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Erik: Ah yes, that good old Republican "Big Tent," reaching out, whatever you want to call it. They invite regular people into their big tent, and then Rush Limbaugh and James Dobson drive them out.

Carlos: Yer Busted. I've forwarded your comment to Hitler-Obama. There'll be a knock at your door any minute now :)

Randal: Consider it done. Hussein X has been notified, and you'll be in Gitmo before you know it.

Robert: Nice apology. I too must apologize for all those lazy leftists who think banks and HMOs should be regulated by some sort of huge smothering nanny state :)

October 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

His agenda is calling students to "service" for the first thing. Just WTF is that supposed to mean? Service,give me a break. He wants to recruit students to "service".
If he thinks they should volunteer then he should be more specific. Calling for service sounds like he's recruiting them.
I don't believe any of the BS this admin says. You think it's about health care,I think it's about control. He has already showing this is the direction he wants to go.
His agenda is to bankrupt the country also. Oh no wrong it's Geroge Soro's that criminal's idea.
Same thing he did to Tawain and England.
Your healthcare is gonna be worth shit when there's no money to pay for it and no doctors willing to stay in practice. The democrat policies already drive doctors away with their sue happy lawyers. Maybe he should take a lesson from Missisippi and Texas on tort reform where all the good doctors are starting to flock to.
I can't wait to sit in a hospital ER for 7 hours.
They are purposely spending and printing and keeping people unemployed. Sorry but I don't like to be his little campus socialist experiment.
Maybe he should move to Honduras or Venezuela if that's the kind of society he wants.
You give this president way too much credit. That's why he's never has to worry about doing anything wrong . He's so adored by his adoring media. They do all his splaining for him.
You can deny it all you want but there are people who see right through his bull shit and his cronies at MSNBC.
One day you'll be kicking yourselves about it but then again you can always blame Bush.
Obama can't lose if things go good he gets the credit,if things go bad he blames Bush and all his little quislings will continue to oooh and aahhhh.
By the way where is all the outrage about Goldman Sachs record bonusess they made and the 30,000 a plate they paid to support the democrats?
Nothing? Yep that's what I thought.
Thugs and criminals and you cheer this on.

October 22, 2009 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Whew! That's a long one. That looks like a medley of all your favorite boilerplate comments.

He's recruiting students to service??? Oh My God, I'm scared now. He's a fascist communist Nazi Muslim dictator and we're all doomed. Why didn't I listen to you when I had the chance?

October 22, 2009 at 7:04 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

idiotic drool #1,

Many of the tea baggers are actual teachers and school board members so they know their way around a little more than you think.

You moron. Everybody and their brother knows who runs in those school board elections. Pat Robertson set his sights on them 30 years ago. Why do you think the Rushpubliscum Party is now owned by Jesusistanis?

idiot drivel #2

His agenda is calling students to "service" for the first thing. Just WTF is that supposed to mean? Service,give me a break. He wants to recruit students to "service".
If he thinks they should volunteer then he should be more specific. Calling for service sounds like he's recruiting them.

And here is the core "value" of the right wing-naked selfishness. It's just FINE to put a debt on our children and grandchildren so THEY can have their wars, and their bennies, but don't you DARE talk to any of them about giving something back! That's COMMANISM, man!

And lisa STILL can't admit that her monkey Jesus racked up more debt himself than his 42 predecessors did COMBINED, or that 83% of the national debt was run up by her "conservative" wet dreams.

It would be pointless to sdo anything but ridicule you, because you sdeserve nothing better.

October 22, 2009 at 8:22 PM  
Blogger Dave Dubya said...

Nixon would be called a liberal socialist if he were here today.
And he really did have an enemies list. Same old Reich Wing fear and hatred of minorities, journalism, collective bargaining rights, and education.

Republicans have done a heck of a job destroying public education, health care, jobs, and journalism. Those pesky minorities keep growing, though.

Speaking of such fear and hatred, I love reading Lisa's Foxsucking, Beckerheaded, fairly imbalanced Hannity insanity. She reports and we decide.

Pay no mind that Reagan doubled our debt. Pay no attention to Bush tripling out debt. Forget about the Wall Street swindlers. They were all under Obama's and Soros' voodoo spell. Mission accomplished.

It's nice to know conservatives have so much compassion for the rich. Our collapsing economy and infrastructure is the liberals' fault for being jealous of the tax breaks for the top one percent.

Now I feel smart enough for some tea...HEY, wait a minute, That's Kool-ade!

October 22, 2009 at 9:17 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

You know, lisa has a point. If kids sign on to the "Obama agenda" and stay in school, they'll wind up with cognitive skills that are superior to those of the average inbred dog, which means that the lisa types lose a chance to recruit them.

Heh-no wonder they're so adamant :)

October 22, 2009 at 10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"His agenda is calling students to "service" for the first thing. Just WTF is that supposed to mean? Service,give me a break. He wants to recruit students to "service".
If he thinks they should volunteer then he should be more specific. Calling for service sounds like he's recruiting them."

Sounds like the Thousand Points of Light over 18 years ago


October 22, 2009 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

JR: Good point about school boards; same with county and small town governments. The wingnuts started filling all those offices with stealth candidates a long time ago.

And yeah, maybe that really is why they hated Obama's "stay in school" message. High school dropouts are so much easier for Fox News to manipulate.

Dave: That's true. The Republican Party has moved so far to the right, Nixon would be a socialist. God knows what they'd think of Eisenhower -- he'd probably be lynched by James Dobson and Newt Gingrich.

"Foxsucking" and "Beckerheaded" -- LOL, I've gotta remember those.

Erik: Those good old "thousand points of light." That always reminds me of that SNL skit where Dana Carvey was imitating Bush 41 debating Dukakis (played by John Lovich). Bush kept stalling until his 2 minutes had run out for him to respond, so he kept pausing, and then saying "1,000 points of light...uh, we must be out of time...oh, we're not?...uhh, a thousand points of light..."

October 23, 2009 at 1:22 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Hey I don't need FOX News to educate myself. All I have to do is listen and see what the hell is going on.
If a moron like me can see it then what does that make you?
Too fucking bad if I have a problem with a president who is a communist wanna be. He has people in his admin who quote Mao Tse Tung and Chavez. And we all know the colleges all praise Castro. For the life of me I still can't see what the attraction to a dictator is other than weakness.
You think health care is about us? It's about giving power to the Unions. Be careful about unchecked power. You know like what you were bitching about for 8 years.

Obama wants those who created the problem to step aside and then he goes and campaigns for Dodd? Are you kidding me?

When things collapse around us then you get what you deserve.
Don't blame republicans for everything.

He wants to mop it up with a socialist mop but he should make sure the mop isn't a dirty one first. But it has been tainted by the corruption and thuggery of the Chicago Way.

October 23, 2009 at 9:19 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

SNL skit where Dana Carvey was imitating Bush 41 debating Dukakis (played by John Lovich). Bush kept stalling until his 2 minutes had run out for him to respond, so he kept pausing

Tom do you hear how many times Obama tripped over his words? But when he does it it's soooooo funny and sooooo romantic. So when Bush does it he's a blundering idiot but when Obama does it he's such a fantastic man ooooohh,aaaaahhhhh and everyone gets that tingling feeling down their leg?
Do you ever really hear yourself? It's like you're programmed. It's really a little creepy.

October 23, 2009 at 9:41 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

I have to ask, do you type out each comment from the beginning, or do you have ten or eleven boilerplate comments? That's what I'm guessing. Each blog comment is "let's see, I'll use #4 and #9 for this one; and this next comment I'll really go all over the map, so I'll use #5, #7 and #9 through #11."

October 23, 2009 at 11:45 AM  
Blogger Robert Rouse said...

"... tainted by the corruption and thuggery of the Chicago Way."

I recall the good old days in the 1960s when a little 4 year old Obama was rubbing elbows with Mayor Daley and advising him to take down those protesters at the convention.

And you know what else Lisa is right about? Obama is a slob when it comes to public speaking. If you put up any speech from Bush against any speech from Obama, Bush would look like a Rhodes Scholar and Obama would look like Mel Tillis on crack.

How about that? I cribbed the notes on her talking points and used #17.

October 23, 2009 at 12:22 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I just like to get it all out once. I can't wait for the coinciding post.

October 23, 2009 at 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

lisa lied like a carpet,

Hey I don't need FOX News to educate myself. All I have to do is listen and see what the hell is going on.

Except..... you could be quoting Hannity, Beck, and/or Bill-O verbatim.

If you Rushpubliscum trolls are ashamed of your "news" sources, why not try some others?

October 23, 2009 at 2:15 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Robert: Good imitation.

JR: Other news sources? But Fox and WorldNetDaily are the only ones telling the truth. All the others are just dupes, reciting what the Dictator from Kenya tells them to say.

October 23, 2009 at 2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lisa Said "Tom do you hear how many times Obama tripped over his words? But when he does it it's soooooo funny and sooooo romantic. So when Bush does it he's a blundering idiot but when Obama does it he's such a fantastic man ooooohh,aaaaahhhhh and everyone gets that tingling feeling down their leg?"

Sounds to me like Lisa is confusing her Bushes. 1000 Points of Light? Dukakis? That was HW Bush NOT W Bush!


October 23, 2009 at 8:26 PM  
Blogger Miss Kitty said...

While in the checkout line at the grocery store last week, I took a photo of the cover of the National Enquirer (which I'll e-mail to you, Tom). It read:

Obama's orders: CRUSH GLENN BECK!

I chuckled and muttered, "Ahh, but we're not that lucky." :-P

October 24, 2009 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Miss Kitty said...

Lisa, why on earth are you STILL on here? You're not convincing anyone to look at things your way. Perhaps you should head back over to the Fox website so you can preach to the converted.

October 24, 2009 at 8:21 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Erik: You're right, I think she was getting the two Bushes mixed up.

Miss Kitty: The good old tabloids. I don't pay any attention to them, except for those brief glimpses at the checkout line. (That's what they all say.) But they used to go after Dumbya too, all sorts of blaring headlines about George and Laura divorcing because he's drinking again, etc.

Maybe Lisa thinks if she keeps coming back here, we'll all suddenly slap our foreheads and go "Oh my God, now I get it. How could I have been so blind? We have a Kenya-born Muslim socialist president who took over the government, and we let this happen. And now it's too late. Why oh why didn't I listen to all those warnings from Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh?"

October 24, 2009 at 12:12 PM  

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