Who Hijacked Our Country

Monday, April 19, 2010

Muslim Fanatics, Christian Fanatics: Separated At Birth

For years, people have wondered whether there’s really any difference between the flaming Fundamentalists of these two religions. We’re all familiar with Freud’s projection theory: that we repress the things that we dislike about ourselves and see them in other people instead. (That’s not the exact wording of course.)

And I’m only talking about the twisted sickfuck fanatics of these two religions, not the billions of regular people who are Christian or Muslim.

But the narrow-minded hatred spewing out of the religious fanatics — they call their god by a different name, but other than that I don’t see a shred of difference.

If you think there’s a difference, take this little quiz:

1. Who said the volcano in Iceland is God’s punishment for Obamacare?

2. Who said earthquakes are caused by women who dress immodestly and behave promiscuously?

That’s right — can’t tell the players without a program.

Let’s see, God is pissed at the United States for passing socialized medicine, so He punishes — Iceland??? And it wasn’t just Iceland that suffered for America’s evil. Tens of millions of Europeans were grounded for several days because planes can’t fly through volcanic ash. And the volcanic ash even extended south to Kenya (Obama’s birthplace; pretty clever there, God; OK, I get it now). Kenya’s horticulture industry has been shut down by the ash, causing thousands of workers to be laid off.

It seems God is punishing everybody except us, and we’re the perps. He does indeed work in mysterious ways. If God was in a bar and got in an argument, He’d probably say “Shut the fuck up or I’ll go over to that guy in the wheelchair and punch him in the face!”

Anyway, back to the main premise: What exactly is the difference between the Rush Limbaughs and Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons and their sickfuck counterparts in the Muslim world?

If the United States wasn’t a secular democracy, the above-mentioned buttwipes (and their inbred minions) would be every bit as murderous as al Qaeda and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. IMHO.

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Blogger Tim said...

I'd like to answer your question rather bluntly...
Not a fucking thing!
Sorry they bring out the worst in me.

April 19, 2010 at 12:25 PM  
Blogger Joaquin said...

What exactly is the difference between the Rush Limbaughs and Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons and their sickfuck counterparts in the Muslim world?

As dumb questions go, this one is the GOLD STANDARD!

Is anyone calling for the global death of Muslims?
Is anyone blowing-up Muslim women and children in the name of Christianity?
Are Christian women being publicly stoned?
Are Christian families strapping bombs on 12 year old suicide bombers.
Are Christian priests advocating Muslim genocide from the pulpits?

Dude, have you lost your mind?

April 19, 2010 at 12:56 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Those that spew hate may call themselves Christians, however, they are NOT living by Christ's commandments.

April 19, 2010 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Tim: I agree, not a fucking thing.

Joaquin: As I've told you at least once before, you need to read a post slowly and carefully before commenting, just to save yourself embarrassment. Here's the sentence you missed:

"If the United States wasn’t a secular democracy, the above-mentioned buttwipes (and their inbred minions) would be every bit as murderous as al Qaeda and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard."

Also, to answer your first two questions, think back to our Iraqi invasion. Every one of our alleged "reasons" for invading the country turned out to be false. Tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians (if not hundreds of thousands) have been blown up. You probably think "that's different" because it was done by the largest army in the world and not by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters hijacking an airline. But I doubt if hundreds of thousands of bereaved Iraqis are making that distinction.

For your other 3 questions, the hatred spewing out of some fanatic "Christians" indicates that our secular democracy is preventing these things from happening; not any sort of openmindedness or self-restraint on the part of Christian fanatics.

And that was the point of the post: that the mentality of fanatical Christians and fanatical Muslims is the same; not their actions (see above).

T: No argument there.

April 19, 2010 at 4:11 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

There is, as I have noted once or twice (snicker,) absolutely no difference between a Jesusistani and any other kind of a religion-addled wack job. It should not be forgotten that the most murderous terrorist organization the world has ever seen is the Lord's Resistance Army, and guess what? They don't follow the crescent.

April 19, 2010 at 5:45 PM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

What exactly is the difference between the Rush Limbaughs and Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons and their sickfuck counterparts in the Muslim world?

As dumb questions go, this one is the GOLD STANDARD!

You cannot possibly be this stupid.

In answer to your stupid questions, YES to all but #2 and #3. For #2, girls are stolen from their families and kept in detention for the pleasure of the terrorists. For #3, they teach 12 year olds to rape and murder, but (as far as I know) they don't do the suicide bomber thing. Yet.

If you aren't aware of some of your greatest heroes calling for the extermination of Islamists, I suggest you get out the Google and do a little reading. Not that you will.

April 19, 2010 at 5:49 PM  
Blogger Lew Scannon said...

Are Christian priests advocating Muslim genocide from the pulpits?
Ever listen to John Hagee?

April 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM  
Anonymous S.W. Anderson said...

IMO, a good many fundamentalists, including Christian Bible and Islamic Koran literalists, are either neurotic people trying desperately to fill void in their lives or the products of brainwashing by control freaks who've learned how to use religion to warp and manipulate them.

Joaquin, it is of little consequence whether homicidal maniacs are motivated by religion or just plain old evil impulses. The danger is the same.

The point Tom is making is about intemperate, say-anything extremism. In their way, Limbaugh, Robertson and others like them are no better than some of Islam's intemperate, say-anything extremists. I wouldn't put calling for genocide past either Limbaugh or Robertson, if they thought it would make them money and that they could get away with doing it.

April 19, 2010 at 9:37 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

JR: The Lord's Resistance Army, there's a chilling example.

Good answer to Joaquin.

Lew: Yup, good old John Hagee, another excellent example.

SW: I agree, too many religious fanatics are either neurotic beyond belief and/or manipulative control freaks; regardless of the religion.

If people like Pat Robertson or John Hagee had a Christian theocracy backing them up and enforcing their "sermons," this country would be every bit as terrorized as Iran or Saudi Arabia.

April 19, 2010 at 9:54 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

While I agree that there are fools and evil people that cloak themselves in the mantle of "Christianity", it doesn't make them a Christian anymore than giving the Nobel Peace Prize to a terrorist leader like the late Yasser Arafat made him a statesman truly wanting peace.

For those of you that cannot tell the difference between true Christians and fundamentalist Wahabi or Shite Muslims bent on the destruction of all that is not Islam, well then there is nothing I can do to convince you otherwise.

There is no man so blind as he that will not see.

April 19, 2010 at 9:55 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Be careful, those of you that have such blind hatred of those people that you don't understand, or you may end up becoming the very thing you claim you are against!

Even though I vehemently disagree with nearly everything politically of Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, I do not hate them.

April 19, 2010 at 10:00 PM  
Blogger Joaquin said...

What you willingly refuse to admit is that the ENTIRE church is not calling for the elimination of Muslims. And by the way, I'm including Presbyterians, Baptists, Lutherans etc etc etc. Can the same be said of the Muslim religion?
You sheepishly site one or two fringe lunatics and insist that they speak for every Christian.
With that brilliant mentality, I guess that you'll conclude that Farrakhan speaks for all Muslims. Right?
You guys are waist deep in wacko waters, and it's a hoot to watch.

April 20, 2010 at 4:26 AM  
Anonymous Jolly Roger said...

For those of you that cannot tell the difference between true Christians and fundamentalist Wahabi or Shite Muslims bent on the destruction of all that is not Islam, well then there is nothing I can do to convince you otherwise.

Who makes that determination, T. Paine? Do you not understand that this is, has been, and always will be the problem with organized religion?

Faith is personal. Religion is a business with some kind of a goal. And since there is no way for an arbiter to sit in judgment of religions, one is as "good" as any other one.

And why did you omit my very accurate observation that the LRA is the worst terrorist organization the world has ever seen? I notice you had no trouble reminding us of "Wahhabi and Shiite" religious nutjobs.

April 20, 2010 at 7:31 AM  
Blogger Randal Graves said...

I'm just glad the big cheese doesn't punish Cleveland for all of my ogling of the immodestly dressed women during the summer.

Whew! Thanks Zombie Jesus!

April 20, 2010 at 7:37 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

T: "Be careful, those of you that have such blind hatred of those people that you don't understand, or you may end up becoming the very thing you claim you are against!"

That's exactly what's behind the mutual hatred between radical Muslims and radical Christians. Again, that's the fanatics of those religions, not the vast majority who aren't full of hate.

Joaquin: For at least the third time, read and grasp the post first, and THEN comment on it. Maybe a grownup should accompany you at the computer when you get onto that big vast mysterious Internet.

The sentence you missed this time was: "And I’m only talking about the twisted sickfuck fanatics of these two religions, not the billions of regular people who are Christian or Muslim."

And then you ask: "Can the same be said of the Muslim religion?"

Fuck yeah, the same thing can be said. I've traveled through some of the Muslim countries -- Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. This was a long time ago, before any of the political turmoil started. Lots of friendly people everywhere I went. I wouldn't be caught dead there now, with all the shit that started happening in the early '80s.

My point is that there is no "evil" religion, Islam or Christianity. It's right there in the post, and again in this comment.

Randal: Now now, Zombie Jesus would never smite Cleveland. Ogle away.

April 20, 2010 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Joaquin said...

Tom here is what you wrote:

"Anyway, back to the main premise: What exactly is the difference between the Rush Limbaughs and Pat Robertsons and James Dobsons and their sickfuck counterparts in the Muslim world?"

Main premise? Your main premise is quite obvious. You are comparing Robertson an Dobson to "sickuck" Mullahs that foment violence and encourage murder. Show me where Dobson and Robertson do that. I have all day.

Oh, and since when is Rush Limbaugh a religious fanatic? What religion does he represent? Which one does he speak for?
Are you just conveniently lumping people together? Looks that way.

April 20, 2010 at 12:38 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Damn right I'm comparing Pat Robertson and James Dobson to fanatic Muslims. Those two bigoted hateful douchebags are the exact counterpart of hateful bigoted Muslim mullahs.

As I said in the post, and several other comments here, our secular democracy is the only thing protecting us from the Robertsons and Dobsons and their demented followers.

If you're not familiar with the Lord's Resistance Army, that Jolly Roger mentioned, Google it.

April 20, 2010 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Jolly Roger, I disagree with your assertion that one religion is as "good as another" but I don't care to go into a huge dissertation why that is true only for you to discount it anyways.

As for the LRA, admittedly I have not heard of them. If they are fomenting violence in the name of Christ then I would venture to say they are taking His name in vain and will eventually have to answer to the Lord they "think" they are representing.

April 20, 2010 at 1:34 PM  
Blogger Holte Ender said...

I think the Japanese have got it right, Shinto when they're born, Buddhist when they die. Or, is it the other way round?

April 20, 2010 at 2:18 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

T: I'm not religious myself, but I can't imagine somebody who is religious -- and not a Christian -- thinking to themselves "I realize Christianity is better, but for some wacky unfathomable reason of my own, I prefer this other lesser religion instead." Just my $.02 :)

Holte: 99% of the Pearl Harbor and Nanking Massacre perpetrators started off on Shintoism.

April 20, 2010 at 3:06 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Mr. Harper, to your points, I would agree. Religion is often a product of one's environment and that of one's parents.

It is a rare person that seeks truth and will renounce a false religion or ideology he is taught as a child for a revealed truth found through honest contemplation, prayer, research, and God's own grace.

You also make an excellent point regarding the Japanese Shinto of the Nanking and Pearl Harbor and for that matter, Bataan infamy.

April 20, 2010 at 3:24 PM  
Blogger Holte Ender said...

I was considering modern Japan when I made that comment.

April 20, 2010 at 3:56 PM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Holte, T: My last comment was just tongue-in-cheek. I don't know much about Buddhism and nothing about Shintoism.

April 20, 2010 at 5:08 PM  
Anonymous S.W. Anderson said...

Paine, I agree with your paragraph that begins, "While I agree that there are fools and evil people that cloak themselves . . ."

FWIW, I don't think anyone here has a problem with distinguishing between "true Christians and fundamentalist Wahabi or Shite Muslims bent on the destruction of all that is not Islam."

I think it's fair to say there are at least some Muslims who are appalled at what others have done and are doing in the name of Islam. I know that situation exists among Christians.

The unfortunate truth is that since people worshiped rocks and the sun, some have used religion as a vehicle for controlling and bilking others. While the wrongdoers who pervert religion for their own selfish/evil ends are primarily at fault, it must be recognized by everyone, people of faith, atheists, agnostics, etc., that religion per se carries with it that destructive potential.

April 20, 2010 at 8:39 PM  
Blogger Darrell Michaels said...

Anderson, I will end on a rare note and agree with you regarding that last comment, sir! :)

April 21, 2010 at 7:50 AM  
Anonymous Dr. Kiss Injure said...

Radical Islam is a construct of Western intelligence, just as - in the same way - Zionism hijacked Judaism. Saud Wahhabism is / was up to its eyeballs in connections to fascist elements within western intelligence. There is some evidence to suggest non-ethnically semitic Zionist "Jews", were - maybe not - complicit in mass extermination - but perhaps did not do much to prevent it from occurring -ss did the Allies and the Vatican.. Correspondence to the eugenic elements in Zionism. It´s no suprise the pro- Zionist corporate media in the US (NYT, New Jerker) takes great pains to point out the so-called Nazi-Islam connections during WWII, but buries the history suggesting an alliance btwn certain elements in Zionism and the Third Reich. The possibility that A. Hitler was a Rothchild should raise some eye brows as well.

Yishuv Zionism: Its Attitude to Nazism and the Third Reich Reconsidered (Oxford Univ Press)


April 21, 2010 at 11:55 AM  
Anonymous ecocard casinos said...

And all?

March 28, 2011 at 2:24 PM  

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