President Obama on GOP Voter Suppression

The most recent issue of American Legion Magazine had several letters to the editor regarding medical marijuana, the health benefits, whether it should be decriminalized, etc. (Yes I'm a member, having been in the Navy from 1969 to 1973). Some of the letters were surprisingly open-minded and libertarian/live-and-let-live.
“If the plant had great value, why haven't the medical profession and drug companies taken from it what works and produced a pill obtainable only by prescription? All who sell, use or grow the stuff (except as noted above) should be most severely punished. Its apparently widespread use is purely to render the nation a bunch of stupid, worthless druggies some nation will find easy to defeat.”
James G. Hudkins, Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Hear that, warmongers, chickenhawks and “defense” industry puppets? You're working for Saudi Arabia. You know, al Qaeda, 9/11, terrorists who hate us for our freedom, yada yada.
Labels: American Security Initiative, Iran, Saudi Arabia
This frantic warning was first issued in 1992 by then-Israeli Parliament member Binyamin Netanyahu and then-Foreign Minister Shimon Peres. And in the twenty-three years since then, this same manufactured Iran hysteria has been periodically recycled and regurgitated by the Israeli government, Israel's Bitch (i.e. America's Military-Industrial Complex) and millions of useful idiots.
Labels: Iran nuclear bomb
Elizabeth Warren, like every other non-teatard in the U.S., has had it up to HERE with fetus-worshiping Socialized Medicine-hatin' GOP politicians and their constant delaying, sabotaging and grandstanding. She asked them:
Labels: Elizabeth Warren, GOP grandstanding