Who Hijacked Our Country

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Oil Drilling in Alaska?!?!?!?

We all know the saying about neurotic people doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result each time. Every time I think the oil company prostitutes in Congress couldn’t get any more crazed and twisted, they do.

Hmmm, let’s push for oil drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. DUUUHHHH!!!! How many times did this plan get defeated last year??? But like a cat that keeps jumping up on the table no matter how many times you push him down, another oil hooker is pushing for drilling in ANWR.

Last year they used every slippery tactic imaginable to push for drilling. They failed every time. Their two most disgraceful examples: Ted Stevens attached a drilling amendment to a bill offering aid to Katrina survivors. When that failed, he attached an amendment to another bill to fund the troops in Iraq. Douchebag!

And now, Big Oil’s Skanky Slut of the Quarter is planning to attach ANWR drilling to a budget amendment. This way it can’t be filibustered. Congratulations Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire) — your mother must be proud of her principled son. Go fuck another oil lobbyist. Bitch.

Now, this post wasn’t written just to make fun of Judd Gregg as a used-up hooker who goes down on the oil industry. Unfortunately the cancer of Big Oil corruption has metastasized throughout Congress.

Before you get too contemptuous of these Oil Sluts, find out about your own Senators and Representatives. Click here to find out how much campaign money your legislators have accepted from the oil industry. It's time we smoke out the oil companies' bitches.

This same site also has a petition you can sign to stop Big Oil’s financial stranglehold on Congress. Yes, it’s a pipe dream, but come on, make your voice heard. Do you want Congress to represent YOU, or the oil industry?


Blogger bisbohemian said...

This stuff never ends....

It reminds me of my old hometown in Texas where the zoning ordinance to allow a Wal-Mart was soundly defeated in a general election - and 18 months later, a very similar - yet slightly different - ordinance passed city council with only 1 of 10 members voting against it. Today, you can see the Wal-Mart standing proudly in the place where the outcome of the election said it could not be. One can only guess at the "wheel greasing" that made that possible.

The sad footnote to this is that the same folks who voted against the ordinance shop at the Wal-Mart. I can only assume that they figure that it was built, so they might as well shop there...

What does that have to do with this story? If this passes and big oil is allowed to drill, watch people's behavior. The same folks who rally against drilling will be lined up at the pumps. Personally, I will never buy oil/gas from any company that sinks a well there - if I can possibly help it.

Keep in mind that I am a proud Texan. The oil business has been very good to my family for years. But even staunch Texans know that there are limits to greed...and this drilling effort steps over the line. There is plenty of oil out there...for the taking...without sinking wells in the ANWR.

Corporate Greed, whether it is Wal-Mart or Big Oil, has to be checked. We as consumers MUST hold them to a standard that allows for a decent profit...but not this....

March 10, 2006 at 7:05 AM  
Blogger bisbohemian said...

This stuff never ends....

It reminds me of my old hometown in Texas where the zoning ordinance to allow a Wal-Mart was soundly defeated in a general election - and 18 months later, a very similar - yet slightly different - ordinance passed city council with only 1 of 10 members voting against it. Today, you can see the Wal-Mart standing proudly in the place where the outcome of the election said it could not be.

The sad footnote to this is that the same folks who voted against the ordinance shop at the Wal-Mart. I can only assume that they figure that it was built, so they might as well shop there...

What does that have to do with this story? If this passes and big oil is allowed to drill, watch people's behavior. The same folks who rally against drilling will be lined up at the pumps. Personally, I will never buy oil/gas from any company that sinks a well there - if I can possibly help it.

Keep in mind that I am a proud Texan. The oil business has been very good to my family for years. But even staunch Texans know that there are limits to greed...and this drilling effort steps over the line. There is plenty of oil out there...for the taking...without sinking wells in the ANWR.

Corporate Greed, whether it is Wal-Mart or Big Oil, has to be checked. We as consumers MUST hold them to a standard that allows for a decent profit...but not this....

March 10, 2006 at 7:05 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

David: Yup, that seems to be the way things work. Oil drilling that a majority doesn't want, a new Wal-Mart that most people don't want -- things are decided by the Powers That Be and not the will of the public.

We had something comparable in the town where I live (about 20,000 people). There was a Farmers' Market every Saturday, which brought tons of foot traffic into town and benefited most of the local businesses. But 2 or 3 merchants complained that closing off one block of one street for the market was driving away their customers because they couldn't park close to their store. (Almost all the townspeople and merchants wanted the Farmers' Market to keep using that street.)

These merchants complained to the city council and got overruled. They complained to the planning commission and got overruled. Then they hired a lawyer who "persuaded" the city council to kick out the Farmers' Market so that those 10 or 15 parking spaces wouldn't be sacrificed for 3 hours every Saturday.

Everyone in town is pissed at these few wealthy merchants, but they get most of their business from tourists so I don't think a boycott would have any effect.

This just seems to be the way the system works. All we can do is try to use the democratic process the best we can. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't.

March 10, 2006 at 10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wackos. Drilling here would hurt nothing, and a majority want it. Not to mention the Alaskans, who want it BAD.

March 11, 2006 at 10:06 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Anonymous Wacko: "Drilling here would hurt nothing." And what's your field of expertise? Where'd you get this inside information that thousands of scientists don't have?

"A majority wants it," and that's why the majority party in Congress hasn't been able to get it passed, even using every sleazy tactic in the book. If a majority of Alaskans want it -- tough. Most Southerners were against civil rights in the 1960s. Sometimes the majority is wrong.

I allow anonymous comments here, but it's still pretty tacky to leave a negative comment and not show who you are. And a majority would agree with that.

March 11, 2006 at 10:27 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Pat: Hippies? LOL. Wow man, you want a hit o' acid man? Groovy man. What decade are you stuck in? It's 2006. Wake up.

Yes I use oil and gas. We could get a lot more of it by improving vehicle mileage, and practicing conservation in general. Americans' wasteful lifestyles are the cause of our energy crisis, not the fact that we still have some wilderness areas that haven't been raped and plundered yet.

March 11, 2006 at 4:40 PM  
Blogger Mike V. said...

What the hell is wrong with people?
There's not enough in Alaska to amount to spit in a bucket compared to what we use.
Hell, if every suburban soccer mom driving around in a Yukon switched to something more economical, we would save more than we could ever drill out of Alaska.
God, I hate the suburbs..

March 13, 2006 at 7:56 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Mike V.: I know, it's ridiculous. The mildest conservation measures would yield more oil than plundering the Alaskan wildlife refuge. People who drive gas-guzzling vehicles and then complain that we're not doing enough drilling -- words can't describe the contempt I have for them.

March 13, 2006 at 10:14 AM  
Blogger Snave said...

Alaska was getting quite a lot of government goodies, last I heard. Does it really need more? Sorry to those of you who might be Alaskans, but I think not.

Does it make sense to wreck a wilderness area simply to extract enough oil to keep our energy needs going maybe for 2-3 years, when the oil won't get to our vehicles for at least 5-10 years? Sure we could drill the ANWR, but simple solutions aren't always the best.

Sure, I use natural gas, and I use gasoline and motor oil in my vehicles. My vehicles don't get the greatest of gas mileage, either. But again, simple solutions aren't always the best, and don't always get at the root of the problem... which is that we use fuels that dirty the earth, and for which we have to bend over constantly for Middle Eastern countries.

Is there enough oil in the ANWR to rid us of our dependence on nations like Saudi Arabia? Studies have shown this is definitely not the case. So why the push to drill there?

My cynical mind tells me the main reason Bu$hCo. wants to drill the ANWR is to give the environmentalists a big "screw you!" Of course Bush and his friends want to crush the environmental movement; it represents an obstacle to them. What better way than to "win" this battle? They can look at the environmentalists, laugh, and basically say: "Ha ha, we're going to drill up there, and there's NOTHING you can do about it!"

What could be better for these people, who are basically Dominionists? After all, the earth is here for us to USE. If we aren't USING it, we aren't doing our duty to God. According to Genesis, God gave humans dominion over all the earth, so if we aren't doing what we can to control the earth and use it, we are probably displeasing the Lord. Heaven forbid. And if the rapture is going to happen any day now, what difference does it make what we do to the earth? That's the conservative fundamentalist way to approach things, anyway.

March 13, 2006 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Tom Harper said...

Snave: No, it sure doesn't make sense to plunder a wilderness area just for the small amount of oil that might be there. Better vehicle mileage would produce a lot more oil than whatever could possibly be in the ANWR.

I wouldn't doubt that spite and vengeance are some of the motives for this constant push for drilling. They've made so many attempts that seemed like a slam dunk; they're probably just pissed enough to want to wreck the wilderness just to get back at treehuggers.

Yup, the Rapture will soon be here to rescue all the decent Godfearing people, so we might as well just plunder the Earth until then.

March 13, 2006 at 2:46 PM  

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