Being Panhandled by a Billionaire

GOP Kochsuckers (pardon the redundancy) are determined to steal America's public lands and turn them over to private/corporate owners for mining/fracking/cattle grazing — pretty much any purpose other than wilderness or recreation for the unwashed masses. Hopefully Obama will veto any bill that has one of these sleazy amendments attached.
Labels: America's public lands, Kochsuckers
Paul Krugman nailed it in his column titled A Tale of Two Parties. He says:
“Do you remember what happened when the Berlin Wall fell? Until that moment, nobody realized just how decadent Communism had become. It had tanks, guns, and nukes, but nobody really believed in its ideology anymore; its officials and enforcers were mere careerists, who folded at the first shock.”
“The Republican establishment was easily overthrown because it was already hollow at the core. Donald Trump’s taunts about ‘low-energy’ Jeb Bush and ‘Little Marco’ Rubio worked because they contained a large element of truth. When Mr. Bush and Mr. Rubio dutifully repeated the usual conservative clichés, you could see that there was no sense of conviction behind their recitations. All it took was the huffing and puffing of a loud-mouthed showman to blow their houses down.”
“…the Democratic establishment in general is fairly robust…the various groups making up the party’s coalition really care about and believe in their positions — they’re not just saying what the Koch brothers pay them to say…What worked in the primary [Trump’s attacks on his GOP rivals] won’t work in the general election, because only one party’s establishment was already dead inside.”
Labels: A Tale of Two Parties, Paul Krugman