Smoking Gun on Global Warming
It’s official. Global warming is caused by humans. Most of us already had enough common sense to figure this out. Like the song said, “you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”
Unfortunately the few people who don’t know — or won’t admit — that global warming is caused by people, are the multinational CEOs and their sockpuppets in the media who just keep reciting what their puppetmasters tell them to say.
Researchers for NASA and the Energy Department have found the “smoking gun” which conclusively ties manmade greenhouse gas emissions to global warming. The scientists’ research was based on ocean data. They confirmed previous computer models on global temperature increases, and confirmed that manmade greenhouse gases play a large role.
Global temperatures will continue to increase even if greenhouse gas emissions were capped tomorrow. But, things “could spin out of our control” if emissions continue to increase. Melting ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica would cause ocean levels to rise. According to one of the NASA scientists, “the climate system could reach a point where large sea level change is practically impossible to avoid.”
The research was done with floats — more than 1,800 of them deployed worldwide — which would go up to a mile underwater to record temperatures and other data. They also used satellites to gauge ocean levels.
The director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies said “there can no longer be genuine doubt that humanmade gases are the dominant cause of observed warming. This energy imbalance is the ‘smoking gun’ that we have been looking for.”
Increasing ocean levels aren’t the only hazard of global warming. We can also expect more powerful storms, new and further-reaching disease epidemics and shifting climate zones: deserts will become wetter and farmland will become parched.
The research also shows that the Earth has significant “thermal inertia.” Changes to the planet’s energy imbalance won’t take effect right away. This gives us time. But it also means that if everyone just sits on their thumbs until it becomes painfully obvious, then we’re doomed. If we wait until every mouth-breathing rightwing jacktard can see it, “still greater climate change will be in store, which may be difficult or impossible to avoid,” according to the study.
OK, can we start dealing with the problem now? It’s time our “leaders” started listening to scientists rather than CEOs who don’t want their profits threatened. Corporate lobbyists, right wing “think tanks” and their mindless parrots in the blogosphere have done too much damage already. It’s time for them to put a sock in it. Better yet, put some methane in it.