Who Hijacked Our Country
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Who Hijacked Our Country
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ha! beautiful
L: Yeah, great rant. Expresses what lots of people are thinking.
I have a problem with this link. For one thing, it's physically impossible to perform a sexual act on a conceptual idea -- as far as I know, "state's" don't possess sexual organs.
For another thing, it would be next to impossible to copulate with every single individual in South Dakota. Even if this were possible, the opponents of the abortion ban would be shooting themselves in the foot as each person who was impregnated would then be forced to conceive which would, undoubtedly, swell the ranks of foster children.
Third, copulating with the entire state might include farm animals as well. And we think the avian bird flu is problematic now!
I think it would be far better simply to oppose the SD legislation rather than to open a pandora's box by "fucking" the state.
It's a crying shame that people thik nthey can dictate what we can and cannot do with our own bodies.
Rambling Taoist: Those are all good points of course. But somehow "fuck South Dakota!" just does a better job of expressing that angst and rage.
Jenn: Yup, it's a crying shame all right.
Now THAT is a rant!
Mike V.: Yeah, that rant is a perfect way to channel the frustration and rage at today's "social" climate.
Right Fucking On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
P Jordan Sr: Oh yeah, right on.
Best rant I've read on the subject yet. Thanks for pointing me that way. Remember when Dennis Miller used to rant like that- prior to his conversion I mean...
Becks: Yeah, I heard a Dennis Miller standup routine on HBO a long time ago. He was a riot -- just slamming everybody.
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