Who Hijacked Our Country
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Who Hijacked Our Country
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News, Miscellaneous
hahahaha....that video was awesome. That might be Americans in Canada soon (2009) if we don't fix this economic mess that our government and these corporations have created. The frustrating part is that it's the average citizen who suffers the most while these companies get bailed out by the same people they're screwing over. Regulation dammit; it that hard for these people (government officials) to do their jobs?
Jo: Ah, but you don't understand. Regulation is only for bailing out millionaires who misuse our tax dollars. If you work for a living, there's no nanny state for you; you're on your own.
A friend of mine forwarded me that video. It was so funny, I just had to use it for a post.
If there were justice in the universe, we would see this kind of thing on a daily basis.
Lew: Yup, it would sure be poetic.
Baahahaa! I love how he says "Gracias" at the end, and the one CFO is squinching himself up so the guy can close the tailgate. Indeed, this should be the punishment for those white-collar crooks--go pick strawberries out here in Colorado for 50 cents an hour. Do something honest for once in your lives.
Mile High Pixie: Yup, it's such a poetic reversal of everything. All these 3-piece-suited yuppies standing around, tripping over each other for a chance to get a day's work. And then seeing them all crammed into the back of that pickup. Too funny.
And you're right, it would be the first time any of them ever did an honest day's work.
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