Sorry, Union-Busters: Generalissimo Antonin Scalia is Still Dead
The gift that keeps on giving. Antonin Scalia died so unions can live another day.
Last January the U.S. Supreme Court was champing at the bit to uphold Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association — a blatant attempt to de-fund public sector unions. A lower court had ruled against the Oligarchs and in favor of unions. And the Supreme Court — without Dead Tony to back them up — has now issued a one-sentence order that the lower court ruling still stands.
And how about a moment of Schadenfreude for poor old Turtle Head McConnell, whose continuous Supreme Court obstructionism has been all for naught. (I think it's an insult to turtles to compare them to Mitch McConnell, which is why the linked Urban Dictionary definition of Turtle Head is so much more fitting.)
Labels: Antonin Scalia, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, Turtle Head, Urban Dictionary