Bush Refuses to Investigate Global Meltdown
If you're a drug user or any sort of protester, or if you know somebody whose second cousin's roommate's brother-in-law once visited the Middle East -- the government is probably watching your every move.
Then again, if you're involved in a huge pyramid scheme to rob billions of dollars from American taxpayers, George Johnny Walker Bush doesn't give a flying fuck. He has Other Priorities.
The FBI has been pleading for more agents to investigate the crimes that triggered the global financial meltdown. Dumbya says no. A retired FBI official said:
"They are bogged down big-time or there would be some indictments by now." He said this is totally different from the FBI's response to previous financial crises. "There are three comparable things ... the S&L crisis, corporate fraud like Enron and health care fraud. There was a clear, well-delineated effort there. I don't see it here. They are bogged down because they are even more under-resourced than when I was there. They are a year and a half into this, and I don't get the sense that any significant indictments are imminent. I just don't think there's a lot of traction."
What kind of sickfuck twisted priorities does this administration have??? We're facing the worst financial crisis since the early 1980s (possibly since the early 1930s) and Dumbfuck doesn't think it's important to investigate the causes? What the fuck is he doing instead, getting both of his books packed up in time for Moving Day next January?
Or maybe he doesn't want these corporate crimes investigated. Hmmm...any suspicious motives here?
cross-posted at Bring It On!