The War on Halloween

Sign on the front door of our local Democratic headquarters:
“One of the most dangerous things in American politics is the patently false notion that 'both parties are the same.'
There's a reason Elizabeth Warren is a Democrat and the Koch brothers are spending millions of dollars to prevent Democrats from voting.”
All Right!!!
Labels: ag gag laws, hotline violations at factory farms, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Our little corporate Frankenstein is growing up. After years of suing and crushing local governments and small farmers, Monsanto has now graduated to suing entire countries.
Labels: Monsanto Guatemala, Monsanto Protection Act, Plant Variety Protection Law
We've lost another one. Jack Bruce was probably the least famous of the three Cream members (bass and most of the vocals), and he pretty much fell off the public radar after Cream's short-lived career ended.
Labels: Jack Bruce
Republican Congressman Steve King — self-righteous Biblehumper and the factory farming industry's biggest prostitute — is spewing fire and brimstone again. This time his hatred is directed at gays, “cohabiters” and divorced people. He said:
Labels: Steve King, Steve King amendment
Labels: FX, The Bridge canceled
Granted, former president George H.W. Bush is a piece of work. But is he a work of art that can be copyrighted? Or maybe a Blue Blood Patriarch is entitled to special privileges that the rest of us aren't.
And last April, when Michelle Nunn first started using GHW Bush's image for her commercials, Jim McGrath had said:“Michelle and her team have been clearly, repeatedly and consistently told that President Bush did not want them to use his photo as part of this campaign. Apparently, the Nunn team feels they can repeatedly disregard the former president’s wishes, which is very disappointing because it’s so disrespectful.”
Labels: George H.W. Bush, Michelle Nunn
I've never been to Islamabad (and I've never watched Homeland), but this article — 3 horrific inaccuracies in Homeland's depiction of Islamabad — totally nails it.
Labels: Brian Kemp, Fran Millar, New Georgia Project
Thousands of American homeowners who lost everything during the housing crisis are now back on their feet. Barely. Now that they've started rebuilding their finances — their lives — debt collectors are freezing their bank accounts, garnishing their wages and seizing their property.
Labels: Deficiency Judgment, foreclosed homes
The Government Accountability Office has confirmed what we already suspected. Dozens of ALEC/GOP-instigated Voter ID laws have delivered their intended results: reduced turnout among black, young and elderly voters. Mission Accomplished.
Labels: Government Accountability Office, North Carolina voter suppression, Voter ID laws
China's economy has now surpassed the U.S. economy, according to a calculation by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Labels: China's economy purchasing power, IMF, International Monetary Fund
Wipe out almost the entire native population of the land you “discovered” — slaughter, slavery, disease — and then get a holiday named after you?!?
Labels: Coast Salish Day, Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, Seattle
In 1984, Jefferson County (Kentucky) Judge-Executive Mitch McConnell was alarmed over the hazards of a proposed coal processing plant on the Louisville waterfront. Mitch McConnell wanted the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to assess the merits of the coal processing plant versus the increased pollution and truck traffic in residential areas: