Some species are evolving…and some aren’t.
Ah yes, Enron. Doesn’t this bring back those halcyon memories of George W. Bush’s earliest days in the White House. Our newly elected “moderate” Republican president sat there giving himself rectal thumb massages while a large portion of the country was having the rug pulled out from under them by one of Bush’s largest contributors.
In these troubled times, YOU can give America a memorable Christmas present. Please help your country by making your voice heard on these issues:
You know it’s a knockdown no-holds-barred fight in Congress when
Bolivia held an election yesterday. An indigenous former llama farmer with an 8th grade education will be its next president. Not only that, Evo Morales is a Leftist and a close follower of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.
In a Congress filled with slippery shameless lowlifes, one special pusbucket stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Dr. Andrew Bacevich is a graduate of West Point and a Vietnam veteran. He’s currently a Professor of International Relations at Boston University. His newest book is titled “The New American Militarism: How Americans are Seduced by War.”
What the Hell. Whatever you want to call it, let's Get This Party Started!
Dead of a heart attack at 65. And he’d been suffering from MS for a long time. But he did more than anyone to influence modern comedians.
These Rightwing religious fanatics have way too much time on their hands. That’s the only possible explanation for shit like this.
Yes, there are some perverted sickfuck Death Cults out there. No, these aren’t wild teenagers listening to Rap and Heavy Metal.
The purpose of the Endangered Species Act (and other similar environmental laws) is to protect wildlife habitat. This seems pretty obvious, but unfortunately some people don't get it.
It was so sad. Such a waste. Before Dick Cheney was kidnapped and reprogrammed by the Project for a New American Century (and other Neocon global domination groups), he actually had a mind of his own.
We’ve turned the corner in the War on Pornography. A Florida kingpin has been arrested and his computer was seized by the government.
There’s no hope that our invertebrate Congress will stand up and actually vote against the Patriot Act. But the good news is, many portions of the
Samuel Alito has been masquerading as an impartial jurist who respects precedent and has no desire to overturn Roe vs. Wade. And now the cat’s out of the bag.