Koch Industries: Spend Billions Financing the Teabaggers, Then Beg for Government Handouts
Gotta hand it to those Koch Brothers, aka the Kochtopus. They’ve spent bazillions out of their own pockets to get the inbreds all riled up against Death Panels and Obamacare. They’ve spent so much money, they’re now trying to get some of it back — from the exact same health care law that they spent billions trying to defeat.
The word “Irony” comes to mind, only that’s too many syllables for the useful idiots who keep enabling the Kochtopus.
One feature of the dreaded Obamacare is the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program — a $5 billion program that helps employers maintain coverage for early retirees who aren’t yet eligible for Medicare. And one of the applicants for this socialist giveaway is — as you’ve guessed — Koch Industries. Two-faced son of a cocksucker.
The Koch Brothers aren’t quite as well known as Dick Armey, FreedomWorks, Americans For Prosperity or what’s-his-name from West Virginia who murdered all those coal miners a few months ago. But this family is possibly the single biggest bankroller of extreme rightwing causes, from the 1960s to the present.
From the John Birch Society, fifty years ago, to today’s Astroturf teabaggers — you can follow the money back to the Koch Family.
How do we cut that serpent’s head off?
Labels: Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, Koch Brothers, Koch Family, Koch Industries, Kochtopus, Obamacare